Tuesday, January 25, 2011


    Mom, Mommy, Mama...ect. I love it! Being a mom has been amazing! And well gross! I have been cried on spit-up on, had bugars wiped on me been peed, and pooped on! My lovely son (said with slight sarcasm) has a thing with putting things in his mouth and eating it! My biggest peeve, the animals hair! Yes, I said it, the cat and dog hair, he eats it! I have no idea how to get him to stop, I think I may have to start punish him him by taking away time on the tv and DS when I see him doing this. When he was in diapers, I remember one day thinking to myself how when I thought of being a mom, I did not imagine pulling hair out of my baby's butt! I also on that day did not think I would have to help pull it out years later when he is 5! "Touch your toes and push like when your pooping" was not a sentence I thought I would ever use!
   Ok, so now that I freaked out all my lovely friends with no kids, I will share the better part! Everyday my son will stop at random times and say something like 'So mom, how was your day?' or "dad, how was work?' or "dad, do I look like you?' Lol! The many random things I learn from from my 5 year old are amazing! I will post them in a later blog. I also like when he is my lil cuddle bunny, which is almost never these days! But when it happens, I soak it all in! His new compliment these days is 'cutie pie.' The other day he informed me that our friend's daughter, Victoria, is a cutie pie like Auralia!  "Huh mom, Aurailia is a cutie pie!?" I would have to agree!
  Being a mom is the best thing ever, I plan to write more about some of our random adventures!
  Share some cute, gross, silly or whatever stories with me about your kiddo's!

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