Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sympathy?? No thank you!

I was advised that someone I know sees my Blogs are a cry for attention and that I am looking for sympathy, and maybe you are that person, or maybe you agree with this person. Well, I regret to inform you and/or this person they couldn’t be more wrong. I have never once wanted sympathy or pity from anyone. The looks I get are enough to make me want to literally jump off a cliff.  I need no one to feel sorry for me, NO ONE!

  Now empathy, that’s another story and maybe this person should learn the difference. Just in case one may be confused on the difference, I’ll share the textbook definition of both. 

         Sympathy…feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune       

         Empathy…the ability to understand and share the feelings of another


  In other words, I do not want you to feel sorry FOR me, I simply want you to feel WITH me and understand where I am coming from. To understand, not pity.  I write because I know that some have the exact feelings as me, and just do not know how to explain, or feel they are alone in their feelings until they read what I wrote and see, maybe they are not so alone. I write not just so others can feel with me, but so others know I am feeling with them.

   I suppose this can be considered a disclaimer for an upcoming post I have wrote and delete about a dozen times because it is hard to explain the feelings I currently have.  So, please understand I do not want your pity. I am not seeking the attention of others or looking for someone to reach out to me in my time of need or whatever. I am simply empathizing and going through these feelings with someone. It may be you, it may not be.  All I ask is for understanding and not criticism and judgment.  If it is you who is going through these feelings with me, know you are not alone, and anytime you need to talk I am here. I may not have the right things to say, but I have good ears, and sometimes that is all a person needs, is someone to just listen and understand.

1 comment:

  1. That's the problem with the world; most think the words are interchangeable. :-(
