people understand breakups, heartache and even divorce. I’m not sure all fully
understand my unique...ish situation.
Some of you know most, but maybe not all. So I am going to share some
really personal information that will possibly shed a little light on my crazy
You see, I am this shy, and introverted
girl. I am a homebody, but do enjoy a night out, just not every night, and not
really every weekend. I am one who has
more fingers on my hands than I can say I have real close friends. I am ok with
this. I think I am better off with a few I know I can trust any and everything
with, rather than have a hundred I wouldn’t give a house key to.
When I was 12 ish a boy came into my life,
and little did I know I would never be the same. I fell in love. I didn’t know what that meant then, but we
grew together. We went through puberty together, he taught me to drive a stick
shift, and well, everything else. At 14 I shared my first kiss with him. At 16
there was other stuff. At 18 we got married. Sure there were a few break ups,
but for me, there were no other boyfriends. No other first kisses with anyone
else. Well there was a drunken peck with a friend, but that, well ya, I do not
count that! Lol! No anything with anyone
else. Oh, and before him, there was a ‘boyfriend’, we held hands, but I was way
too scared to kiss him! So, now here I am at 30 something, and have only been
kiss kissed by one man, one peck by another and some hand holding. Yep.
Now I am single. Now one day, if I do not
want to go through the rest of this life alone, I will need to date. I don’t
know how to date! I will have to eventually kiss someone. What if I suck at
kissing? And I do not even want to mention the other stuff! I
wonder who would want to date me. I’m short and squishy with a decent chest,
and NO butt. I have an awful tan line and a bazillion stretch marks. I still
have acne! Not like a crater face or anything, but still when does this stuff
go away?! I have morals, and am not
easy. I have been hurt badly and am very insecure. I have a house and a car. I have a dog and two cats. I have a son. Who would want this mess?
I’m a wreck. It’s the week of our
anniversary. 14 years we were almost married. Now what? I still wonder if he misses me even half as
much as I miss him. I wonder if it is him I really miss, or if I miss the
companionship. A body next to me at night. The safety he gave me. I was not
alone. The noises at night weren’t so noisy. The house wasn’t so empty. But,
that’s all he was, a body. He wasn’t here, he left long before he moved out. I
was too blind to see it.
I do not really know if there is a point to
any of this, but maybe it will help you understand why. Why I am still hanging
on to my insane what if’s. Why I am so afraid. Why I still get mad and
cry. The only words that come to mind
are from the movie Sweet Home Alabama, “The truth is I gave my heart away a
long time ago, my whole heart, and I never really got it back.” I don’t know if I will ever get it back, and
that scares me. A lot.
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