Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I got Married!!

  Ten and a half years ago!! I went through a bag I have saved from my wedding full of cards given to us from out family and friends. I read through them today, an d I want to share some of the quotes inside of them:

   "Marriage is not just a "happily ever after" ending...but a lifetime of "I choose to love you" beginnings."

   "The goal in marriage is not to thank alike, But to think together."

   "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times with the same person"

   "Love is true when you don't see eye to eye, but still walk hand in hand."

 I am not sure how we have come as far as we have in the past ten and a half years, but here we are, one child, one dog, and one cat later. We are leaving the town we have both called home for most of our lives, and headed to a place we have wanted to call home for years. All I can dream for our future is for God to continue to bless our home with many, many more years of health and happiness. : )

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