Making your spouse feel loved is not always an easy job. You have to work at it everyday.
I was listening to a radio program the other day and a woman was talking about a 'love jar' she started with her husband. they each had a jar with 5 pieces of paper in them. Each piece of paper had one thing their spouse could do to show them they care. This woman had a feeling about what her husbands papers were going to say, but was surprised when she pulled the first one and it said make me a fruit salad. A fruit salad makes her husband feel like she cares. So she now makes a fruit salad regularly so he knows she cares.
I like to do little things like have a fire going and have the house all warm when he gets home from work. Remembering to turn on the mattress warmer a couple hours before bedtime so he has a warm bed to get into, having a clean house and a warm supper ready to eat. Today I sent him an e-mail before he got to his office just to say good morning and I love you. These things show him I love and appreciate him, and I love doing it!
What could he do to show he loves me? He thinks lots of love making and bringing home a paycheck..Lol!
Really, all I want is for him to talk to me, about everything. And help with little things, like getting Anthony ready for bed. Last night he loaded the dishwasher! Yay!
What do you do to make your spouse feel you love and appreciate them? What can they do to make you feel loved and appreciated?
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