Wednesday, March 9, 2016

As Sorta Requested..

     It has been a long time since I have written anything outside of my personal prayer journal, and school work. So here goes…
     Yes, school work was stated in the previous paragraph. I am currently halfway through my second full time semester at Missouri Western State University. I am working toward a Bachelors with a major in business management. I would love one day to own my own business. I have about 20 different business ideas, and really should narrow it down to like 5 before graduation! Also, while sitting in these business classes I also debate owning vs. managing. But no decisions need to be made today.
  As you all probably know when I am not in school I also enjoy spending some time in the best Crossfit gym here in Saint Joseph! I have made a lot of gains in my physical fitness his last 12 months, however, to be honest, I’ve been in a real rut for the last few months, and especially the last few weeks. I keep saying I need to get back on track, and I will. One day.  Maybe tomorrow.  I also am really happy with my new church family here. Adam and I are slowly making new friends, but find that it is not an easy thing to do. I feel responsible for that since I am so guarded and pretty introverted. 
   Anthony is great! We had parent teacher conferences last night. He has a good report card, and his teacher is happy to have him in her class. All of his math and reading has improved over the school year, math more so than reading, but that is normal for him, math is his strong area and reading/writing are his weaknesses. Anthony has been in Crossfit for several months, and just started karate, which he loves. 
   Adam is busy! This time of year is the busiest at work with all the stores stocking up their garden centers. We also are finishing our unfinished basement, so his work is never complete! We have been cutting drywall, making electricity, and learning we have different (very different) ideas on how we want the basement to look, BUT also are mastering the art of compromise! Adam and I are also teaching a Sunday School class for 2-3 year olds one Sunday a month. It’s fun! It’s great to be able to live with and work beside my best friend.  
  I will try to not let so much time pass before my next posting. I do have some stuff I could really get out of my head, but today is not the right time for that. So...

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