Thursday, June 11, 2015

You Moved Where?!?

Hey people reading! 
    It’s been awhile! I've moved to Missouri, am with my family as it should be, am a student, and a few pounds lighter!  
   I won't get into the deep details of Adam and my relationship status, but know after a long, trying and incredibly rough year, we are together and we are happy. We have our moments, but who doesn't? We fight for, support, and love each other like we never have before. Many people were hurt in different ways with our move, but it was the best thing for our family.  The distance from our loved ones is hard at times, but the distance between the two of us on CO was greater.   I want anyone reading this who is going through it in their relationships, to pray, pray, pray. God is the reason we are where we are. I read back in my journal from last year and it was prayer after prayer for restoration. And there were times where I gave up and prayed to just get over it, but God had a plan, some days I'm still trying to figure out when it will all come full circle, but I am grateful every day for Him putting my family back together.  
    Since moving here, I did a job at the hospital for a couple weeks, hated it, did some real soul searching and decided to quit putting money first, and reach for my real dream. I want to own my own business. I always have, but did not know what kind. I had major baby love, and wanted a baby/children boutique type place, got over that and went to Whimsy, a paint and sip and thought it was bad ass, and I could SO do that, BUT, after volunteering at a cozy cafe in Greeley, I realized I'd LOVE to open one of my own.  It's been almost a year now since I have felt this way, which beats all the other thoughts, and I get SO excited when I think about the cool things I want to do, so I think this is the right way to go. So, step one in obtaining this dream is going to school, and getting my Business Management degree, then go from there. Also, post a million pins to my board in Pinterest with cute coffee cups and decorating ideas!
    Since our move here Adam and I have taken on Crossfit together! He has been an on again off again Crossfitter for a few years, and I tried it once, but we now are on again, up to 5 days a week, totally addicted Crossfitters!  I still have my struggles with food, but am a constant work in progress! I am down almost 20 pounds since moving here! I can do things I never imagined me doing like back squatting 100lbs, dead-lifting 170lbs, and a box jump! I have taken my 12 minute mile from last year down to about a 10. I feel good!  
    Anthony is doing well here. He is also in Crossfit, not sure he is as in love with it as I am, but he goes. He is going into the 4th grade in fall and is happy to FINALLY be on summer break! He will have a super busy summer with travels to FL, CO, and WA. We also look forward to a couple CO friends coming out to see us.  Anthony and I like to go down to the Missouri river where we spot turtles in the river bank, explore a pond that was full of tadpoles before the snakes moved in, but he likes watching the snakes. I miss the tadpoles! Lol! And look forward to other adventures in this new town. 
   All in all Missouri isn't leaving us in misery! We are making friends slowly but surely, and are living life for today, not someday.  
Love you people! Till next post, take care of yourselves!! 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Easy Is For The Weak

     I find myself asking well, myself, and/or God on a daily basis, at times multiple times a day, "why can't just one thing be easy?" The last 3 months of my life have been like a storm. I was talking to Adam some and it snowballed from there, we started to date and he told me he was applying for jobs out of state. We went together to an interview in Missouri and before I knew it, there was a job offer and we made the decision to move together and start a new life, together.  Everything happened fairly seamlessly.He was offered the job with a higher title than applied for, we looked at 15-20 houses when we were out the weekend of his interview, loved the first house we saw, placed an offer on it, and in spite of the dealings of working with the V.A. we closed on the house before the end of 2014. We loaded all our belongings and moved this little family from Greeley, CO to Saint Joseph, MO the day after Christmas. 
      Sounds pretty simple, however Adam and my split a year ago and all I/we went through should probably have been enough to convince anyone we were finished for good. Not only that, but the events of the year made some people grow to hate me and some to hate Adam. This being said, telling friends, family, and co-workers about us was not an easy task. I knew it wouldn't be, however I didn't  think it would all be as difficult. I didn't know I could loose someone who I have considered a great friend for a really long time. Time and distance was always an issue with us, but my choosing Adam hurt people and I understand. I also hope in time friendships, if they were meant to stay that way, will be mended.
      I have lived in north, north/east Colorado all but the first 4 years of life, which I really have no memory of.  I knew leaving would be hard, but it has been so much more difficult than I thought, emotionally. I know all of two people here, and they are the two I live with. I cannot just drive down the highway to see my nieces. I can't just ask Hazel to watch Anthony this weekend so we can have a date night. I don't know when we will have a date night again. I missed the birth of my god-son this week. The closest thing I had to a sister, my friend of approx.21 years may be becoming a mama this year, and I'm going to try my hardest to be there as much as possible when the time comes, but I cannot just be there whenever I or she wants/needs. That makes me sad.  Also navigating this town has been frustrating, it's sad when a drive to Pizza Hut that is literally two miles away turns into a near 40 minute ordeal ending with a breakdown. I do not know this town, it's really simple and also complicated all at the same time. I'm adjusting and can get where I need to go, most days, with out my friend, GPS. 
       Anthony has adjusted well. He really likes his school, is making friends, and smiles a lot. He used to worry all the time, he'd worry about really random things like having to give up his beloved stuffed animals, or how we were paying bills (not that I ever had a problem doing so, and if I did, would never mention to him) he would just worry. I have not heard him nor has he asked about any irrational concerns like before. He is simply Anthony, the boy he was before the split. Any struggles Anthony related are really my own as his mom. I worry I am failing him. I moved him what feels like a bagillion miles away from his best friends, and here there is one boy down the street he plays with, but in my opinion, he is 10,000 less cool than Alex. Also, the teacher he has is not Mr.Y, not even close. I feel I am failing in the areas of education. I know nothing about his school really, and feel they are on a higher level than where he was in Greeley, I mean should a third grader be figuring out problems like 64/24 or 72/30?? He was still working on his multiplication table back in Greeley. Also he is not at the level they want him to be in reading, but this is not new to us. Reading is something we will be at or just below grade level until he just isn't. We read and read and read,I have been told that is all we can do to help him improve. This being a mom thing is not easy.
       I spent a lot of time convincing myself I was done with Adam. I convinced myself I could move on, and tried. The fact is, my words said one thing, but my journals and prayers show different.  I never did give up on this family. I never stopped loving him. He would piss me off like no one in the world ever could, but at the same time he was all I wanted.  I know I can be on my own. I know it is possible to love another, I know I do not need to be with Adam to be happy.  I also know I feel safe with Adam, I feel loved, I feel happy, I feel complete. He has been my partner in life for 19 years. He is the one person, no matter how angry I was with him, that when something happened in my day I wanted to call. I wanted to share with.  He is my best friend. We have only each other here, we are growing here, growing in our faith, developing a new friendship based on honesty and trust. We support each other through the good days and the bad.  It is not easy, it's really hard, but the sayings are right, what doesn't kill you will make you stronger, and God will not give you anything you cannot handle. We survived this year, we found our way back to each other, and now we look forward to the future. We have dreams and goals and look forward to our future.
    So, I'm seeing a pattern in life that answers the question of "why can't just one thing be easy?" and that is because He is just trying to make me stronger. Easy is for the weak, God has not and will not  give me anything I cannot handle!